Biltmore Industries
Homespun Museum

111 Grovewood Rd
Asheville, NC 28804
(828) 232-8353
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Temporarily Closed

Exciting changes are underway! We are updating our museum.

A Handmade Legacy

Located in the heart of Grovewood Village, this humble one-room museum tells the fascinating story of Biltmore Industries. Learn how this Arts and Crafts enterprise – originally backed by Edith Vanderbilt – grew from a small start as a craft education program to become one of the largest producers of handwoven wool in the world.

The museum showcases an antique 4-harness loom and memorabilia such as letters, artifacts, and photographs depicting highlights from the active years of the industry.

A brief history of Biltmore Industries

“Both of us greatly admire your excellent taste in patterns, and we are looking forward with pleasure to wearing the fine suits which we will have made from this handsome material.”

— Richard Nixon, June 8, 1957

“Every time I touch the soft, beautiful tweed (I chose it myself) it will conjure up rich memories. Long may you and Biltmore Industries foster the art to produce strong, handsome fabrics that is the honor and the ideal of workmanship!”

— Helen Keller, June 10, 1945

“I am still wearing a coat made from your men’s overcoating, which I purchased ten years ago, and still the material shows no wear.”

— Florence C.S., Ocean City, NJ, July 25, 1938

“I like your cloth very much and as you know have four suits made of it. The only thing I can say is that it lasts too long for you to get many repeat orders.”

— A Satisfied Customer, July, 1933

Private Group Tours

Want to delve deeper into the history of Biltmore Industries? We offer private group tours starting at $200 for up to 30 people. Your tour includes a visit to our historic Dye House (usually closed to the public), where you’ll peek into the past and view the original looms, carding machines, spinning mule, and dye vats used to make the famed Biltmore Handwoven Homespun. We do not offer free tours at this time.


Donating Archival Materials

Do you have any handmade items or memorabilia from Biltmore Industries (formerly known as Biltmore Estate Industries) that you would like to donate to our archives? We are interested in receiving the following items: letters or diary entries, brochures, catalogs, early advertisements, photographs, woodwork, fabric/weaving samples, and finished suits. Your donation allows current and future researchers to better understand and analyze our history.